Metalastik Rotoflex® Couplings Vibration Isolators

The Metalastik Rotoflex Coupling consists of a regular polygon of rubber with metal inserts bonded in pos1tion. It can have 4, 6 or 8 sides. After moulding, the rubber elements in the coupling are compressed by the fitting of a steel retaining band. This important design feature ensures maximum fatigue life. The retaining band is discarded after assembly. Metal interleaves bonded into the rubber elements provide increased torque capacity when required. Rotoflex couplings have proved highly successful for motor car propeller and half-shaft app1ications for auxlliary drives on road vehicles and for many industrial drives.

Accommodates large angular and axial displacements with minimum resistance.
Reduces torsional vibration and noise.
Absorbs torque fluctuations.
Replaces mechanical joints, eliminating lubrication and wear.
No servicing required.
Unaffected by dust, grit or moisture.

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