Novibra ANB Vibration Isolator

Novibra ANB Vibration Isolators

Novibra® type ANB

The shock buffer type Novibra ANB is used to effectively limit movement of equipment or machine components.
Typical field applications would be:
  • Traversing cranes
  • Lifting cranes
  • Working beams
  • Falling goods
  • Container handling
  • Cabinets
  • Forestry vehicles
  • Off-road material
    handling equipment

View Specifications Page for Selecting the Correct Vibration Isolators

Part Number Quantity on Hand List Price Our Price per Unit Purchase
ANB 150 8 431.28 370.16
ANB 50 180 55.18 44.41
ANB 75 174 89.18 80.70

Thank you for shopping Mission Sales and Supply. Mission Sales and Supply is a Vibration Isolators distributor for Trelleborg Industrial AVS.
We look forward to your business and to working with you in the future.

Part Number Cross-Reference
Drawing Number Trelleborg Part Number Old Novibra ANB Part Number
ANB 100 10-00153-01 2255310
ANB 150 10-00010-01 68569
ANB 200 10-00011-01 68577
ANB 50 10-00151-01 2255290
ANB 75 10-00152-01 2255300


Buffer type Novibra ANB consists of a cylindrical rubber body bonded to a square baseplate of steel. Each corner of the baseplate has a fixing hole.

Special high-hysteresis rubber compound is used to ensure as much energy absorption as possible. The volume of the rubber is used at optimum efficiency.

Through the low resilience of the rubber a high degree of energy absorption is achieved.  The rubber is stiffer under dynamic conditions compared to static or pseudo static loading; hence more energy is absorbed for a given deformation.

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